Check in, speak up.

2 things that all of us white people can commit to doing at work right now, regardless of our position or organization: 1) prioritize human connection and 2) acknowledge the heaviness and pain of this moment. A great way to do this in group and 1:1 meetings is the introductory check-in. My The Leadership Circle teacher asks the question "How are you traveling today?" I usually use the Green/Yellow/Red prompt from, described in this short podcast (and I love it when my more creative coachees don't stick to the traffic light :) ). Always give folks the opportunity to pass or just share a one-word answer. When it's your turn, speak directly about racism and oppression (and if that feels uncomfortable, practice it ahead of time). (Not a manager or facilitator? You can still prioritize connection and acknowledgement in your 1:1 interactions, and/or consider speaking up to influence larger group meetings.)

#whitefolks, what practices are you committing to right now to be more supportive and #antiracist at work?

Kelly Harris Perin